An Assessment of the Employment Impact of Covid19 on Calgary’s Vulnerable Workforce

This research brief discusses the employment and financial security impacts of the economic shutdown on Calgary’s vulnerable workforce.


  • Women and youth were the hardest hit by the contraction in the economy. Female employment fell by 3.4% in March, a loss of 13,500 jobs. Youth employment fell by 10.7%, a loss of 8,100 jobs resulting in a 50% increase in the number of unemployed youth.

  • Industries and occupations hardest hit by the economic contraction were those in which low-waged and vulnerable workers were predominantly employed, namely the Retail Trade and Accommodation and Food Services industries, and Sales and Service occupations.

  • Based on the industry and occupational profile of Calgary’s vulnerable workforce, significant job losses are expected among low-income workers, visible minority workers, persons living alone, and recent immigrants.

  • Many households lack significant financial reserves which may result in greatly increased challenges meeting their basic needs if employment ends as well as long-term indebtedness and possible insolvency. Additionally, financial stress and lost income and employment can compromise mental and physical health.

Read the Full Brief.

This brief has been prepared as part of the Canadian Poverty Institute’s Post-Covid Recovery Project.

Decent Work and the New Economy Post-Recovery

The Canadian Poverty Institute leads a Collective Impact Initiative, the New Economy Roundtable.  Join CPI Director Derek Cook and Roundtable member Kate Siklosi of the Ian Martin Group (a B Corp), in this podcast where they discuss their focus on increasing the number of people in "decent work" in Ontario, and how this focus is even more important coming through the COVID crisis into both economic and social recovery. 

Listen Here

A Post-Covid Canada: Bouncing Back or Bouncing Forward?

If you gaze across our shuttered cities right now at the beginning of April, you may see all around you the budding of spring. Although the human world might have mostly come to a shuddering stop, birds still return from their migrations, branches still thicken as leaves prepare to burst and bulbs still wait in the ground to rise up. And so we are reminded that, difficult though it may be to imagine, this too shall pass. Yet, while we may be reasonably certain of what each recurring season will look like, we have only a murky glimpse of what our human world will resemble once this has all passed. What we are coming to appreciate is that it will be remarkably different than the one we inhabited before COVID19 gripped us in a death choke mere weeks ago. In this article, CPI Director Derek Cook reflects on the vulnerabilities that left us exposed to this pandemic and what opportunities may lie ahead for a post-Covid Canada.

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Tried & True: Using an Endowment to End Homelessness

There is lots of discussion about how to end homelessness and to provide adequate/appropriate housing for vulnerable citizens in Alberta and beyond. One of the issues that service providers face is that when government money is given to them to build low-income properties, as soon as the money is spent, there is no guarantee of further government funding for capital projects. In this post, Dr. John Rook offers a a proposal, with historic precedents, for a model that would ensure a never-ending funding supply for housing.

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"The North End Lives On ..." Book Launch and Reading

An inspiring evening of readings and music, hearing authors Hugo and Doreen Neufeld read from their newest book "The North End Lives On".

Come with us as we revisit the Welcome Inn Community Centre and Church in Hamilton's north end. Hear inspiring stories of resilient people working together to brighten an often unappreciated neighbourhood. Through stories past and present it comes alive in committed staff and capable participants. Included are life-changing stories told by volunteers and staff who are currently involved. Yes, after 53 years The North End Lives On ….. Musical entertainment by Art Koop (singer / songwriter) and Doc Mehl (cello /guitar) along with cowboy poet Doris Daley.

Tuesday March 10, 7:00 p.m.

Ambrose University

For information and registration visit:

Just Trust: A Conversation about Trust, Resilience and the Common Good

Trust is critical for resilience. Over the past 20 years the Edelman Trust Barometer has been tracking declining levels of trust in our government, media, businesses, and civil society institutions. Come hear Bianca Boyd, General Manager of Edelman's Calgary office, present about global trends in trust. Join the discussion as we reflect on the implications of declining levels of trust for our community and the connection between trust, resilience and the common good.

Monday March 16 - 9:00 a.m.

Calgary Central Library

For Information and to register visit:

Poverty Studies 2020 Institute

The Poverty Studies Summer Institute is a unique study opportunity that brings together students and practitioners into an intimate learning community to explore the causes and impacts of poverty and best practices in how to alleviate and end it. The program consists of various one-week intensive courses as well as a variety of workshops and events, providing both the knowledge and skill base to work effectively in the practice of poverty reduction. Courses may be eligible for credit for Ambrose University degree programs.


Creating an inclusive community is the first necessary step to ending poverty. Social exclusion is a root cause of poverty as social connections are a powerful resource to buffer people against life events. At the same time, those who experience poverty are also those typically excluded from the life of the community. This year, the Poverty Studies Summer Institute focuses on the theme of inclusion and its connection with poverty.

Calgary’s poverty reduction strategy Enough for All makes inclusion the first strategic goal: “All Calgarians live in a strong, supportive and inclusive community.” The 2020 Institute program supports this goal by providing opportunities for participants to reflect on the connection between poverty and inclusion and build skills to create a more supportive and inclusive community.

Courses and workshops run throughout the Fall and Winter of 2020. Residence accommodation is available if required.

Courses (For Credit, Audit, or Professional Development)

  • Positive Psychology and Human Flourishing – ——————————————Registration coming soon

  • Working With Individuals Who AreVulnerable and Homeless–——--—————Registration coming soon

  • Human Trafficking –————————————————————-—————Registration coming soon

Workshops (Half or Full Day Sessions)

  • Building Shared Values ————————————————————————Registration coming soon

  • Co-Designing Inclusive Futures with Communities ———————-—————Registration coming soon

  • Compassionate Communication ————————————————————Registration coming soon

  • Community Organizing for Social Change ————————————————Registration coming soon

  • LGBTQ Inclusion ————— —————--——————————————Registration Coming Soon

  • Exploring Indigenous Perspectives ———————————————————Registration coming soon

  • Intermediary Service Provider Justice Training ————————--—————Registration coming soon

  • Communicating for Impact ——————————————————————Registration coming soon

  • Ending Poverty Together Workshop ——————————————————Registration coming soon